Saturday, August 1, 2009

NED University of Engineering & Technology(Sindh)

The NED University of Engineering and technology is the oldest institution now in Pakistan for teaching and turning out Graduate Engineers; it is in the Public Sector – i.e. Government owned – having begun initially as an Engineering College in 1922 established by subscriptions from private donors. The University retains the initials in honour of the principal donor for that College – Nadirshaw Edulji Dinshaw in its name! Like other such Government owned institutions in developing countries, it has had over the years to overcome various handicaps ranging from shortage of funds to “brain drain” of Faculty Members as well as students. Nevertheless, because of its transparent admission policy which has established its reputation over the years, it attracts the best students – including even some foreigners lacking resources for seeking admission in Universities of developed countries!

This University presently offers undergraduate programmes in nineteen (19) Engineering disciplines along with one each in Architecture and in Information Technology. It is also presently offering twenty-seven (27) Master’s level postgraduate programmes; this number is also increasing each year. At present, the programmes for Doctoral studies are restricted to Faculty Members; this university is implementing its wide-ranging Development Programme in which its demands for Faculty Development are of such intensity that they leave no room for offering Doctorate programmes for external candidates.

The independent Internet Facility installed in June 1999 was the first of its kind – making this University an independent Internet Service Provider for internal usage. This facility has since been augmented by the PERN facility provided by the Higher Education Commission and supplemented by the portal facility for usage by all its Departments. This University has also been one of – if not the very first – in establishing liaison with industries, public utilities and companies engaged in Consultancy and Construction activities. These efforts have greatly facilitated and also extended its scope for students obtaining gainful employment almost immediately after graduation. This University can thus – without pretending to possess the ability to provide its students the same facilities as in developed countries – certainly offer them intellectual challengers in competing with students possessing abilities of level equal to if not sometimes higher than those in developed countries.

official website

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