Saturday, January 9, 2010

Please All Your Senses

Having a house that looks great is a such a very important thing for a large number of people. However, for most people, the a great looking house is a way to show off to the neighbours and gain bragging rights to owning the best looking piece of property.

Synn Architekten have designed a house in Vienna and the house surprisingly faces he garden instead of the street. Although the house has an entrance from the street, all the rooms of the house are designed as to highlight the importance of the garden (much like most people decorate their living room with the television as the centrepiece). The house, built on three different levesl all of which are connected by a main ‘spine’, is titled Haus Elise.

Haus Elise has been designed in this manner as a way to grant the occupants maximum privacy and also highlight the importance of the inhabitant family’s interactions as opposed to the world outside the house. The rooms are constantly lit up with natural lighting because of the wide windows and the house has been aesthetically decorated. The ambience of Haus Elise truly offers a beautiful experience for whoever lives there.

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