Saturday, March 13, 2010

India regains favor with upscale travelers

India, Vietnam and Cuba are emerging as the favored destinations for upscale travelers, according to a new report.

Rounding out the top emerging-destination are the Galapagos Islands, China and Chile.

The 2010 Virtuoso Luxe Report, released on March 8, was compiled using feedback from a network of travel providers and advisors and reflects booking trends.

The India Experience

The impetus to travel to India comes as much from its booming economy - back to a high growth trajectory after having taken the worldwide recession in its stride - as the mystic charm of its ancient civilization.

India isn't perceived to be in the safest corner of the world, which can be a dampener for those who don't realize it's a vibrant democracy where the rule of the law is as much a fact of life as the widespread corruption in government offices.

India presents a unique experience for traveler because of its diversity - the people, culture, and language changes every 100 kilometers - bringing a varied experience not felt or seen anywhere else in the world.

The diversity will engage the traveler as well as startle her into incredulity. India is filled with mountains, hills, forests, desert, beaches, flora, fauna and wild animals, not to mention 1.2 billion people of differing religion and culture. There is something here for every traveler.

Favored destinations in the country include beaches, holy places, historical sites, adventure sports and desert cities. Goa, Kerala, Rajasthan, Delhi, Himachal Pradesh, Sikkim and Uttar Pradesh are the states that attract most of the travelers.

The Indian tourism industry in on an upswing after a dismal 2009. In just one month, February 2010, the industry has grown 9.9% against a negative growth during 2009.

Nearly 1.1 million foreign travelers arrived in India in January-February 2010, an upswing of 12.7% over the previous year.

The downswing came mostly because of terrorist threats to many of the major cities and tourists destinations in India. The Indian government has spruced up security and people are once again on the move.

However, travelers are advised to avoid places with ongoing law and order problems. India has grown conscious to the individual traveler's security and keeps consulates and traveler's updated on events and happenings.

The country has good connectivity with cellular coverage that extends even to adventure destination.

Cyber cafes abound allowing you to keep in touch with family and friends 24/7.

India is a conservative society so avoid bringing undue attention upon yourself. Adopt a dress code that is appropriate to your location. Within high end hotels, the country is no different from any western county.

Follow simple rules like covering up in holy places, not traveling alone to remote destinations, travel with a companion whom you are familiar with, check the credentials of the person you are taking on as a guide, exchange money at legitimate and government approved organizations or banks works wonders in securing the traveler.

Do look up the Indian guidelines provided by travel websites and guidebooks for your safety.

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